I can't save my BAT

I wanna know what are the chances that you may put my earned BAT on another wallet like Binance or Coinbase.
I was using Uphold to do it.
Unfortunately, Uphold has gone away from Venezuela and they are asking to me to withdraw those funds before July 31st. After that, this page will shut down.

Please see the entire conversation at PSA: Venezuela no longer supported by Uphold (or Gemini)

Si no puedo acceder a uphold pero cuando trato de iniciar sesión que me manda el correo de confirmación me dice que tengo Bat disponibles en la cuenta, ¿Cómo entonces los puedo retirar si no me deja acceder a mi Wallet?

¿Cómo hago para retirar eso si no me permite ingresar ni cambiar de wallet?

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