I cannot verify same device after reseting my pc

i downloded brave after reseting my pc, now i cannot verify my account as it shows the limit has been reached. nor i can extract my old browning data.

after simple reseting my windows 10

Expected result:
i expect the procedure to regain my old data and verify my account with same uphold id.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
version 1.34.60 64 bit windows 10
Additional Information:

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you have to use this to reset 1 device How to submit a wallet unlinking request

I have done it…how much time it will take to unlink?

Not sure on the time as there are a lot of people requesting this. They are going in order of requests received.

how will i know that is is done…it had been 4 days…and nothing happend yet

If it is the same as when I did it, they should email whichever email you submitted on the forum.

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