How'd everyone get started using Brave?

So I’m like being hacked. I was at some guys house and I needed to charge my s8. I plugged it into the wall and when I came back it was connected to his laptop! My phone was restarting and when it loaded up I got a notification saying my Google password was changed… I took it in to Sprint head quarters and they couldn’t find anything… He’s really messing with my head… I’ve caught him transferring videos I didn’t take and a lot of other files. Can anyone point me into the right direction… I’ve been depressed beyond what I’ve ever been before, and I wish I could go into exact details about the situation… I was thinking he is using side sync or somehow minipulating the Samsung customization terms and conditions/ software. Please help… that’s why I’m here now…

When Mozilla gave in to the pressure and did not support Brendan Eich I reluctantly continued to use Firefox. However as it did become clear what Mozilla really is up to regarding fundamental politic and human issues, I removed Firefox.
Still I needed a secondary, privacy oriented browser with Opera being the primary. Brave is quite good for that and with the most important bugs solved it will be my primary browser.

Saw Brave referenced in an article titled “Goodbye Cruel Facebook” by Luis P. Almeida on, clicked the link then joined up once I saw that this forum promotes civility, respect and openness with respect to discussion of various topics. Should this forum continue to add value, I will continue to use it. May I extend my appreciation at the outset to all of the contributors of this community for your willingness to engage in civil discussions without resorting to vile, repugnant or repulsive, emotion-charged replies that add nothing of value to a particular discussion. I look forward to some rewarding exchanges.