Hi, How can I verify my blog? I use Blogger.com and I can’t either access the root to create the .wellknown folder nor can I add the TXT part to the main page. Is there any way I am missing?
Thanks for reaching out.
In order to have a site/blog verified you must have access and be able to manage your DNS records.
thanks for the reply. is there any way I can do that with blogger.com? If so, can you help me out?
@Trabecula being able to manage your DNS record mean you need yourowndomain.com
Brave Publishers, for now, not support free blog with subdomain like yourblog.wordpress.com
or yourblog.blogspot.com
Thanks. I also did verify my youtube channel but when I open any video it still claims it is not verified. Any hints?
Basically, once you finished adding your channel and you can see it listed on your publishers account, then it’s verified.
Your Brave require 24-48 hours to sync with latest publishers list. See Solutions for “not yet verified” bug for steps to fix the issue.
It is ok now. Now it’s just uphold’s account that is still getting verified but as I sent everything they asked for I hope it’s just a matter of time.
In the meanwhile I will get a domain for my blog, something I have been postponing for some time now.
Thanks for your help!
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