How to see my connected Brave wallets on Uphold

It’s been said that a maximum of three Brave wallets can be connected to a single Uphold account. How do I see my list of Brave wallets that are connected to my Uphold account?

I have made multiple Brave profiles in the past and enabled rewards on all of them and also connected them to my Uphold account. Now since every new Brave profile creates a new Brave wallet and since only 3 wallets can be connected to a single Uphold account, why was I able to verify (or connect) every single of my Brave wallets with Uphold, but receive BAT from only one wallet to my Uphold? Do the wallets needs to be from 3 different IPs to be counted as legitimate? If not, it’s really necessary for me to see which of my profiles has been connected to Uphold.

I had contacted Uphold support regarding this issue, but they were helpless. Any help?


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