How to reset / set transaction nonce in Brave Wallet without deleting all accounts


I’m developing a web3 app and every time I reset my local blockchain I have to reset and re-import my whole wallet as the nonce goes out of sync and so all my transactions get rejected.

In Metamask this is easily done with Settings → Advanced → Reset Account to achieve this outcome much faster without having to re-import or re-create an account.

I read another post that mentioned that there is an advanced settings are where you can specify the transaction nonce but I don’t see it on my Brave for Windows Desktop, anyone knows how to enable this or if this is something I can acomplish?


Thanks for the post. We have editing a custom nonce here:

But I also posted an issue here to add something to reset local transaction and nonce info maybe in brave://settings/wallet

cc @jamesmudgett

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FYI that this was released at the start of this month in our 1.36.x release.