How to increase the number of ads in brave browser?

Dear Sir/Madam,

How do I increase the number of ad viewing in my brave browser, so I am able to earn more BAT?

Currently, I am seeing on average 2 ads per day.

Like ads and tracker blocked?

Where can I find that in the browser?

Visit the website you like but if you want the ads you need to visit the website that producing to many ads :wink:

Heart my answer if its working on you :wink:


Thats all? Hey thanks mate! Will try it out…heart it! :grinning:

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So what’s happened? It’s work?

finding which websites give brave rewards…googling now.

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Found this…

So, I should just visit the sites and brave will track my visit and send me more ads?

My bat balance increased! Think it works! Thanks Budz…youre a mate!

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