In Brave’s customize fonts settings, all the fonts are 16px except the fixed-width font, which is 13px. Is there a way to adjust the font size of each font category separately? If I move the “Font size” slider, it increases the fixed-width font size, but also increases all the other font sizes.
Might take a while, but you can run thru the menu of possible fonts for “Fixed-width font” . . . and probably find a font that appears to be larger than whatever font currently shows in your screenshot.
- Lucida Console
- Monaco
- PT Mono
Take a look at the Font on your Mac, for Monospaced Fonts and Fixed Width Type on Mac OS.
Thanks, but that doesn’t answer the question. I want to use Iosevka, which does appear smaller than other monospace fonts. Iosevka appears at 14px what other monospace fonts look like at 12px.
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