How to change brave reward country and keep my BAT

Nope, nobody said that. You choose your country. If you’re only somewhere temporarily, then that’s not “your country” where you’re a citizen, right? They aren’t asking where you’re temporarily living or vacationing.

It’s why I try to create FAQ and also here to help as much as I can to clarify things for people.

Just want to be very clear here, in case it’s being mixed. I’d rephrase that to “their” or “Brave’s.” I’m just a regular person like you, a User. I don’t work for Brave and don’t really have any input over how things are done. As I’m seeing you reply to me and using “your,” not sure if was really directed toward me at all or if just was general feedback for Brave. I just wanted to clear up any misunderstandings.

Not sure which websites you’re referencing. But I will say to keep in mind that crypto laws are more of a pain in the butt compared to others. This is especially true when it comes to making payments as Brave is. This falls under Patriot Act and a lot of other things here in the United States, to which Brave has to comply. The penalties for not taking proper steps can result in heavy consequences. If you haven’t seen my new FAQ yet, you may want to check out the KYC/AML section of it at PSA: Current FAQ - #27 by Saoiray

Because ads are targeted by region and device type. So if the advertiser is paying to have the ad shown to someone in France but you now live in England, then you’re not going to see the proper ads. Of course, the bigger issue is that they can’t really tell if you’re just spoofing the location with a VPN or if you truly have moved. This is the first step in Brave trying to diminish that issue, with other changes coming which should ease things for everyone. There’s just going to be this inconvenience for a bit until then. (not sure how many months til changes, but assuming by July)

Not sure how much of an argument this is. Everyone has to check a box saying they read the TOS. If they failed to, then they lied. If brought to court, the User would be on the losing side of things. I’m not saying this to be an ass or anything. Only making a point.

  1. Brave doesn’t pay for clicks. And when it comes to Users clicking, Brave asks that people dont’ click unless they truly are interested in the ad and want to learn more.

  2. System voids out any view/clicks that aren’t for correct region. It’s part of the reason why Brave can and has flagged accounts for this behavior. Brave only gets paid when we get paid. So if we can’t get paid for an ad, neither can Brave. Hence why they are trying to iron out the system to prevent people from viewing ads they shouldn’t be able to view. (Though change is mainly about KYC/AML and not viewing ads)

Despite what you might think or feel based on my above replies, I agree with what you’re saying at the heart of the matter. Obviously I do debate some of the particular statements, I get what you’re trying to say and agree things can be communicated better. This is something that’s been requested of Brave and they are working on. The company has less than 200 people working on everything. For Support, it’s about 4-7. More people should be hired and active, updating resources and getting things out there. They did just get three more people to help, which is Jarc, Alice, and Kevin. So small strides being made. But a LOT of room for growth.