How many users are you losing?

Why don’t you simply implement a bookmarks left side bar option? (Like vivaldi or firefox)
I don’t think that it would be so difficult to manage in terms of programming.

How many users are you losing because of this (obvious) lack ?
How many users worldwide could you see joining Brave if you implemented such a (simple) feature?

Your browser is almost perfect.
I would drop Vivaldi immediately if you did !

@okisun, have you tried checking what features are available in your browser? For example, Brave offers a sidebar where you can use your bookmarks. The sidebar can be placed on either the left or right side, as shown in the screenshots below.

And like I said, it can be put to the left…

Firstly, thank you for your quick response.

To be perfectly honest, no, I haven’t tried it because I didn’t know about it!
And yet, I didn’t lack in trying to find out.
I made multiple attempts but couldn’t find anything.
However, in my search, I mainly came across a closed post on your forum stating that there is no possibility of a favorites bar on the left.
This post doesn’t reflect well on you.
It would be best to remove it!

Thank you for the information nonetheless, and I will try it as it seems quite interesting.

Have a good day.

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@okisun, Brave doesn’t always announce changes like Chrome does, so we often have to explore features ourselves.

That said, you should see icons like this in the upper right of the browser. The sidebar button will open it when clicked:


Once open, right-clicking in the sidebar area will bring up a menu where you can control when it appears and which side it’s on:


Also if you go to SettingsAppearance (or just type in brave://settings/appearance) you see options such as below. I usually have mine set for Never and just use keyboard shortcuts to make it appear when I want it:

Additionally, you can use Ctrl + B to open or close the sidebar. If you prefer a different shortcut, go to SettingsSystemShortcuts, then find Toggle Sidebar and change it.

Regarding the closed post you mentioned, it was likely from before the sidebar feature was added to Brave. Many older posts remain for reference, but the information may not always be up to date.

Now that you’re aware of the sidebar, I’d love to hear if it meets your needs!

Perfect :slight_smile:

Gonna try it.

Thank you very much for the detailled precisions and the time spent :slight_smile:

Have a nice day (again :wink: )

I just reinstalled Brave.
Fantastic, i have been able to get (exactely as i wanted) the bookmarks on the left side and permanently displayed.
Also, I was very impressed during the installation and especially the import of my favorites because Brave also imported my extensions, I was literally amazed!

Bravo and thank you.

I come back to a point mentioned previously, the forum post that Brave cannot display favorites on the left is a disservice to you because if I had not decided to write to you to tell you about this lack, I would not have reinstalled Brave.
I will uninstall Vivaldi (which is a good browser) but very resource-intensive, especially when you open a lot of tabs and especially which is not free of bugs that sometimes make it annoying to use.

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