How do I expand my Catalogue for Brave Ads?

I live in Australia and have only ever seen 2 ads in my ~2 months of using Brave. Both VPN services.

This is my catalogue

I browse the web daily in all manner of topics.

Is there a specific way i can expand my catalogue?


did you find anything , i want to know how brave matches ad topics to my browsing style because i m getting not at all related to me

No sorry,

I suspect it was some antivirus firewall

can you plz explain me how catalog works and why I am seeing crypto related ads that are not at all relevant to my browsing style, how brave ad matching works ? Why I see 3-4 ads for an hour but after that no ads for hours? Sorry I am new to brave and hope that you can answer some of my questions

I dont know honestly. The crypto ads are expected because brave is in the crypto industry so most of their advertising will also be crypto.

As for the frequency of ads I dont know, maybe someone has asked that question before on the forum