How do I allow popups for certine web sites on the desk top version?

Description of the issue:

I play a “web” game called Train Station *The Game on Rails) other plyers who ply this game post there achievements to Facebook for the other plyers to get rewards. In order to get said reward A popup window appears. If the popup is blocked you cannot collect.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. If you play Train Station try to collect a reward post on facebook
  2. If not create an account for TS and the try to collect an reward

Expected result:

A small popup window appears

Brave Version( check About Brave):


Additional Information:

You can click on the Brave shields & Privacy.
Then enable the popups

Hello @SmartyAadi

I wanted to know if the issue was solved?

Have a great day.

Thank you! I didn’t realize it was buried so deed :slight_smile: But that fixed the problem.

Have a great Day

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