I’m new to Brave and can’t find some basics. I don’t know if they don’t exist of if I’m not looking under the right rock.
Big picture: How to pick later where I left off.
More specifically: How can I quickly save a window, either bookmarking all tabs into a folder OR saving the window with a name so it can be re-opened. I think this is a basic browser function, not a frill.
Just right click on a tab, you have the option at the bottom of the popup to save all opened tabs in a folder.
Place your folder on your bookmarks bar, then later you can, with a middle click (instant) or right click (choose option), open all bookmarked pages of this folder.
Huh…on Brave 0 25.2. V8 6.9.427.24 x64 I have no option to bookmark all tabs. I have close tab, close tabs to the left, close tabs to the right at the bottom of right click pop up. No option to bookmark or save.
W7 x64, If that matters.
Edit: First time I posted, it bounced. I’ve now upgraded to whatever version was current on 12/22, no change in the lack of a Save All Tabs per window or Save Session in my version.