How can I know if my account is operational, to earn bat through referrals?

Good afternoon users and support that can guide me in this problem that I am presenting.

  • I created my Brave Creator Publisher account in 2018, at that time I had a code to refer users and earn BAT tokens in return, for reasons beyond that that year I did not dedicate myself to openly promote my referral link, this year 2020 I am trying to do so, but I have the doubt if my link is still valid and will BAT add me or should I do something additional to be able to have it valid and accumulate my rewards for each referred user that comes from my account?

  • How can I know if my referral link is working correctly and my earned funds will be credited on the spot due to my Uphold wallet?

  • To those who read this post, please send me the information as soon as possible, since I am interested in promoting Brave Browser, but not before without having my 100% operational referral code, thank you.

    Miguelito 02.10.20

Hello @migue2020

The referral link in never “expired”. You can see your link on your creator dashboard (if you forgot). As long as you’re not from restricted countries where Referral program’s put on hold.

You may will have a new link based on the changes mentioned in the post above.

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Thank you very much friend, I attach a screenshot of what my creator dashboard looks like in brave publisher. In theory this is my referral link:

But in my panel I do not see the board of referred people, not even with numbers in 0, it simply does not appear more columns than what you see there in the screenshot.

I do not belong to any banned country that I know of, but I’m not sure if really with my sponsorship link, I will receive the tokens that I manage to get for each guest that I get.

why your pannel is in english while the message of 2018 is in spanish?

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Why i’m speack Spanish, not English. Use the translate google, for writte here.

All dashboard is english, but google helps me partially translate. For that reason

Ok, solo trata de subir las capturas de forma original (sin modificación de extensiones o así, obviamente tapando la info que no quieras compartir). Solo digo por que la captura en la parte en español (recuadro rojo) parece editada por computadora, supongo por los estilos que usa el traductor.

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En efecto, la captura es editada, porque a la persona que se la envíe, habla español no inglés. La edición fue para ocultar datos de identidad, pero también para mostrarle a la persona el problema que estoy teniendo.

Cuando la subí acá, se me pasó borrarle los textos en español, pero el tablero está intacto como lo deben ver todos. Mi problema es que no me sale el recuadro azul, donde te dice cuantos referidos llevas sumados o no. Por eso es que no estoy seguro si mi link de referido está trabajando correctamente, para saber si debo reportarlo o crear una cuenta nueva, quiero salir de dudas para comenzar a promocionarlo y que el esfuerzo no sea en vano.

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