History search: how to search your brave history by date

Since brave has been requested to get a feature to search their history and it has not been implemenetd I hope this helps people who may need this important feature.

  1. First locate your history database file
  • mac: /Users/[macOS username]/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/History
  • windows: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\History
  • linux: ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/History
  1. download a sqlite app. You can either use the terminal app or a client for sqlite like “DB Browser for sqlite”
  2. Copy the history file and make it accessible. Copying allows you to not damage or break your current file
  3. Perform the sql query below and edit as needed
SELECT datetime(v.visit_time/1000000 + (strftime("%s", "1601-01-01")), "unixepoch", "localtime") AS date, u.url
FROM visits v 
LEFT JOIN urls u ON v.url = u.id
WHERE datetime(v.visit_time/1000000 + (strftime("%s", "1601-01-01")), "unixepoch", "localtime") BETWEEN '2025-01-12' AND '2025-01-18'
AND u.url NOT LIKE '%dontfindthis%'
AND u.url NOT LIKE '%dontfindthiseither%'
AND u.url NOT LIKE '%orthis%'