History of auto-contribute contributions

Currently, with “Show non-verified sites in list” checked, at the contribution date, funds allocated to unverified sites in the auto-contribute list are hidden in the browser and stay pending for 3 months waiting for site to become verified.

Furthermore, there is no history of previous month’s contributions through auto-contribute

This is poor user experience.

Ergo, please add history of contributions through auto-contribute, either by

  • history accessible in browser
  • email detailing contribution per site at contribution date

And make visible in the browser funds pending and to which site they are pending.

In https://brave.com/faq/#unclaimed-funds

Where does my contribution go if a publisher/website is not part of this program yet?

Publishers must verify ownership of their properties with Brave in order to receive contributions from Brave users. If a publisher has not verified ownership, then a user’s contributions will be held in reserve inside the browser for 90 days. The browser routinely updates an internal list of all verified publishers to determine whether a property can receive contributions. At the end of the 90 day period, any contributions marked for unverified publishers will be released back to the wallet. No funds leave the browser except to go to verified creators.

So, not undefined behaviour, but it would be better user experience to be able to see those pending funds, and to whom they are pending