Helpful Info & FAQ for Brave Users

Troubleshooting Steps

These steps can help identify the cause of your issue. They aren’t solutions but will narrow down potential problems. Note that most of these steps can’t be done on iOS, but try what you can and include your results when posting.

  • Check for updates: If Brave won’t launch, try reinstalling it over your current version to patch any missing or damaged files.
  • Test in a private window: Private windows run without cookies, and on desktop, they also disable extensions by default. This helps see if cookies or extensions are causing the problem.
  • Test in a new profile: On desktop, go to the hamburger menu → More tools → Add new profile. This creates a fresh profile, which helps check if settings, extensions, or cookies are the issue.
  • Disable Shields: This helps determine if content filters or Shields settings are causing the problem.
  • Test on Brave Beta or Brave Nightly: Using these versions can help you see if the issue is specific to the version you’re currently using.

For browser crashes, it’s helpful to provide crash logs. On Desktop and Android, go to brave://crashes. If you see Send Now, click it, then exit Brave so the reports can upload in the background. After 30–60 seconds, reopen Brave, go back to brave://crashes, and copy the Uploaded Crash Report ID. Include this ID in your post so Support can reference it to help identify the issue.