Hello, my sisters. I bought the product by mistake and I hope to get my money back. Can anyone help me? Thank you

Troubleshooting technical issues is much easier when both the user and support agent practice clear communication. For this reason, we have provided the template below for you to fill out with information about your issue. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can most efficiently resolve your problem.

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Hello, my sisters. I bought the product by mistake and I hope to get my money back. Can anyone help me? Thank you.

Please submit a ticket here and we can help to take a look https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003078831.

Because I have already submitted a ticket and no one has responded to me. I hope for urgent help to get my money back. Thank you.

في الاثنين، 3 فبراير، 2025 6:32 م steeven via Brave Community <[email protected]> كتب:

@Dyaa please share your ticket number. Thank you.

Hello my friend, I subscribed by mistake and I hope you refund my money because I need it urgently. Thank you for understanding my issue and I hope for a quick response. Thank you for your kind heart. I submitted a memo and my problem has not been solved yet
Uploading: Screenshot_20250203_201512_com.google.android.gm.jpg…

@Dyaa لماذا لا تجيب على السؤال المطروح؟ أم أنك لم تقدم تذكرة دعم كما طُلب منك؟

English: Why are you not answering the question asked? Or did you not submit a support ticket as you were instructed to do?

في الاثنين، 3 فبراير، 2025 8:47 م Stephen via Brave Community <[email protected]> كتب:

I have submitted more than three applications.I have submitted more than three applications.

I have submitted more than three applications.

I can see you ticket number in your last sceenshot and will ensure someone takes a look asap.

‏@Dyaa شكرًا لك. هذا التفصيل الأخير كان المطلوب بالضبط. رقم التذكرة الذي جاء من تذكرة دعم Brave هو 299566. هذا ما كانوا يطلبون منك تقديمه سابقًا. أما لقطة الشاشة الأولى التي شاركتها فكانت من Google حيث قرروا أن الحالة غير مؤهلة لاسترداد المبلغ.

‏كانوا بحاجة إلى معرفة رقم التذكرة للرجوع إليه حتى يعرفوا أي تذكرة تخصك ويمكنهم التعامل معها بسرعة. وإلّا لكان عليهم الانتظار بحسب ترتيب التذاكر المُقدَّمة، وهو ما قد يستغرق بعض الوقت.

‏على أي حال، أرى أن Mattches أغلق هذا الموضوع، ويجب على أحد أعضاء فريق Brave التحقيق ومساعدتك بكل الطرق الممكنة.

@Dyaa thank you. That last little bit is what had been needed. So the ticket number that came from the Brave support ticket is 299566. This is what they were asking you to provide earlier. But the first screenshot you shared was one from Google where they decided it was not eligible for a refund.

They needed to know the ticket number for reference so they knew which one belongs to you and could try to quickly address it. Otherwise it would have had to wait in the order submitted, which could be a while.

Anyway, I see Mattches has closed this topic and someone from Brave should investigate and help in whichever ways are possible.

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