Halil Yıldırım Cause I can't merge my wallet with bravewhy

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Troubleshooting technical issues is much easier when both the user and support agent practice clear communication. For this reason, we have provided the template below for you to fill out with information about your issue. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can most efficiently resolve your problem.

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Description of the issue:

Are you using the (new) Brave Wallet or the (old) Crypto wallets implementation?

How can this issue be reproduced?

Brave Version (check About Brave):

Additional Information:

I use Uphold wallet why dont contact ı dont understand

Nobody can help if you do not provide the information necessary. Not only did you not choose a tag for this, you did not even complete the template that did generate.

Regardless of which language you need to use to complete it, please make sure to explain in detail what issues you’re having so that others can try to help.

Can’t merge my Uphold wallet with brave for bat token

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