Description of the issue:
The select HTML element is glitched out on Brave Browser in the Zorin OS 16 distro, using the snap version.
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Install the Brave Browser on your Zorin OS distro through snap;
- Open the browser;
- Select any HTML select Element;
- The options will be unreadable, glitching out, maybe it is shaders?
Expected result:
The options on the select element should be readable.
Brave Version( check About Brave
Version 1.56.14 Chromium: 115.0.5790.114 (Oficial release) 64 bits
Additional Information:
Zorin OS 16.3 64 bits
x11 Interface
AMD® Ryzen 5 3500u with radeon vega mobile gfx × 8