Graphical glitches on Select HTML Element in Zorin OS snap release

Description of the issue:
The select HTML element is glitched out on Brave Browser in the Zorin OS 16 distro, using the snap version.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Install the Brave Browser on your Zorin OS distro through snap;
  2. Open the browser;
  3. Select any HTML select Element;
  4. The options will be unreadable, glitching out, maybe it is shaders?

Expected result:
The options on the select element should be readable.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.56.14 Chromium: 115.0.5790.114 (Oficial release) 64 bits

Additional Information:
Zorin OS 16.3 64 bits
x11 Interface
AMD® Ryzen 5 3500u with radeon vega mobile gfx × 8

Does disabling the free sync option in AMD Software help?

Free sync is not enabled. Here is a image of the problem:


It happens in websites and in the browser configurations too.

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