Big problem with googletagmanager messing with the homepage and deleting, changing my favorites: they all get a letter with a color coded background. This goes on every single day on the Brave browser.
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An on-going issue with the Brave Browser (iOS) home screen that displays Favorites . . . is that, one or more of the icons (representing websites) might change.
My own experience has been (using BB(iOS), with Private Browsing Only mode ENABLED . . . the changing of the Favorites icons is more frequent. And, if I DISABLE the Private Browsing Only mode, the Favorites icons all update to the websites’ favicon images. (Instead of being plain-colored fields with the first letter of the website name as the only symbol, or unique identity shape.)
Then, I ENABLE Private Browsing Only mode, and evenutally, a few of the website icons eventually play their changing game again.
Examples of generic and plain letter icons:
I have no indication(s) that GoogleTagManager is the cause.
But you might have some indication that GoogleTagManager is the culprit? And, how have you learned that to be the case?