Google Translate -> Translate to English on page not appearing

Description of the issue:
I have the google translate extension installed. But when I right click on a webpage that’s in german, the “Translate to English” option doesn’t appear in the contextual menu.

How can this issue be reproduced?

1.Right click on a webpage
2. See contextual menu

Expected result:
Upon right click I should see the option to “Translate to English”, and when I click it the whole webpage should translate german into english.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.19.86 Chromium: 88.0.4324.96 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Additional Information:

I’d like to bump this post up.

Hello Dear.

I have problem with it.

The extension does’t work .
The Brave is better than chrome, but the support with translator need to better.

Why doesn’t Brave put the translate button on the mouse?

I also have this problem my translator does not translate the pages I have to copy and paste in another tab with the translator open on google

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