Google. Com issue

When going to on the Brave app on Android I noticed that the Google advanced search isn’t available. Usually you can select filter categories of your search such as news, images, etc. That toolbar when Google searching isnt visible in the app.

Hi @sukhdeepc,

I’m able to see the option. Can you share a screenshot of the issue, your Brave version, and your shields settings (lion icon at upper right)?


This is what I see. I have a One plus 6 phone. regular settings. Here is my screen shot

Hi @sukhdeepc,

Ah, the menu at main page. I think it’s same behavior with Chrome. With or without login, it show the same.

EDIT: In addition, I see the “advanced settings” at the bottom page.


On my Brave

cc @LaurenWags @sriram

Interesting. When I sear brave browser like you did, this is what I get :

still different Than yours.


Can you share your Shields settings (Brave icon at upper right) for Did you have “Block Scripts” enabled there? I got similar page like yours if I enable script blocking.


Fixed :slight_smile: Yes it was the scripts being turned off.

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