#Global-Media-Controls Not Showing Up in Flags

Hi all,
I am currently having an issue with flags (brave://flags). Specifically the#Global-Media-Controls flag. I want to be able to disable this flag as it adds an extension that says “control your music, videos and more” and is unnecessary for me. The flag is on Edge Chromium.

and Vivaldi. I do not know why its not in Brave.

Expected result

Brave Version 1.13.82 Chromium: 85.0.4183.83 (Official Build) (64-bit)

On windows 10 version 1909

Thank you

Same with me though I would like to use this the global media control but it is not in the flag menu for some odd reason

The problem still is not fixed even after a few mini updates… I don’t know why

More flags have been added in the recent update but still not the global media controls. The flag is still not back on 11/1/20

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