General things that made me switch back to chrome

  1. When I right click on brave on my taskbar, there is no option to open an incognito window like chrome does, which I really would love to have there
  2. PDF file previews load weirdly on Canvas, but not on any other browser
  3. Videos look better on different browsers, for some reason videos lack contrast on brave
  4. Passwords do not auto-populate like they do on chrome, which adds an extra button I need to click on everytime

Umm, sure there is. Kind of weird that you’re saying it isn’t. This generally has been available on all OS afaik. It has my curiosity as to what might be different on yours. Of course, idea you didn’t mention which OS or what version of Brave you were using doesn’t help.

Have had no issue of the same. It may just be your device settings. Also not sure if you have graphics acceleration enabled. But on my device, Brave comes in exact same or even sometimes better than Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, etc.

But it does matter how graphics cards settings and all are. I think a lot of the graphics companies are better now, but there’s been a lot of times where they build the defaults to recognize the older browsers of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge but not necessarily others. So that leaves remaining ones like Brave to be detected as 3rd party programs or something and not to have the same settings.

So like here on Windows, I had to go into NVIDIA Control Panel and tweak some things initially. That was years ago and it’s remained solid since, but yeah…

I know password thing indeed works differently, with Chrome being more unsecure. Brave used to work similarly but they changed it because of things like you can read at or similar article at

But I can get how that can be annoying.

No idea on this one. Literally not even a clue to what you’re referring to.


Thank you for the response. Ever since I downloaded brave everything in the jump list has been missing. I am on windows 11, latest public build. Since you included a screenshot that it clearly is possible I googled it and a reddit article came up that I followed and now I have it. Had to put a file into ‘C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\CustomDestinations’ and now that’s fixed.

I added brave through nvidia control panel. Seems to be an HDR issue and that still isn’t fixed. HDR works fine on Chrome and Edge for me, but not Brave.

The password thing makes sense, just a small thing that bugs me.

The canvas issue is a big thing for me because I use it for school. Here is a comparison of how PDFs load on Brave vs Chrome. Same thing on my macbook. I should have included a SS, my bad. I have also tried Edge, which works fine.



Wondering if character encoding issue or:

Unexpected amount of visible randomization from canvas farbling #17850

There, scrolling down to: