Gemini exchange down?

Am I mentally deficient for using Gemini instead of a cold wallet?

No. I use Gemini as well. Its a temporary problem. They should have this fixed pretty soon. Has happened because of the AWS ( Amazon Web Services ) Database outage or something. Check for yourself at

Is there an easy way to transfer BAT tokens directly to a cold wallet? Or do I need to convert to bitcoin first?

Gemini earn is linked to FTX?

@unicomp21 Gemini seems to be back up. Able to Log in again, assets still there so all’s good.
Withdrawals of BAT is still unavailable, but should be back soon I suppose.

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The Gemini Earn program is run by an external company named Genesis, that company has links to FTX.


Thanks for the correction :slight_smile: . I was not informed about what was happenning with Gemini and all the other related companies.

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@unicomp21 @talgeeze Withdrawals of BAT have been restored.

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