Same thing here.
My Brave was in French, but in brave://settings/languages i saw that English was main language for web.
Changed it to French. Rebooted Brave. Launch Leo : introduction where in French, answers is English.
Cleared data in brave://settings/leo-assistant closed Brave, re open Brave. Accepting new disclaimer from Leo : intro still in French, answers in English.
I have the same problem, my language is set to German.
All of Leo’s menus and the welcome text are in German, but all replies are in English unless it is explicitly stated that the reply should be in German
I hope this will be fixed soon. The AI assistant has real potential, but it annoys me more when I have all the answers in English, even if the original text was in German
The same goes for me. Even if I have a German page summarized, it is summarized in English. This simply doesn’t make sense. It would be nice if you could specify the language in which the content should be displayed and if necessary also set a system prompt.
Same here. The browser is set to brazilian portuguese, the sidebar has a button with the command “Resumir esta página” (in portuguese), but when i click it, leo give me the answer in english (even when the page i am reading is in portuguese). If i told him “resuma esta página em português”, it works, but i thing he could answer in the same language that he was asked.