For Forum posts that are no longer active

Description of the issue:

OK. Brave browser forum support posts over 30 days without a reply got it no worries I understand you gotta save whatever space bandwidth I don’t know you guys do what you do I don’t care but at least if something’s been closed leave the ******* answer up as the Last Post!!! so when I go to the forum and I have a very similar question or issue and the post is no longer allowed to uh he replies that’s fine but let me see the ******* answer I’m looking for very similar things I have very the exact same topic they’ll be the original post and then no longer you can no longer apply to this can you can you ******* leave that *** **** answer up because half of them say answered and I can’t see where the ******* answer is

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

steps to reproduce yeah go on any search engine and look up brave browser blank whatever your question is look at any answer and half of them if not all of them a majority of them are no longer can no longer be replied to they’ve been answered but the answer you can’t see if it’s available to see that’s fine how about making it a little ******* easier to find because I haven’t found one answer on Braves ******* forum that they tell me to go to

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

Expected result:

I’d like to find out how the OP’s issue was solved!?!?!??!

Why not? Any of them with a marked answer specifically will show what reply is the answer. For example, let’s say I’m looking and I see this topic below:

When I click it, I’ll see this:

Notice how on the bottom is shows that it is solved by post #4 and then it quotes it? Or you can click on where it says Post #4 and it will jump to it:

But of course, usually more info can be shared beyond that. Such as while they marked the above as a solution, that did not identify which one. But if you look at the replies, that extra detail came: