Flipkart.com Website Search Option not Working on Brave Android

Flipkart.com is an e-commerce site based in India.

The search option available on the website is not working on brave browser android. The search functionality is working fine on brave desktop and chrome android.

URL of website: https://www.flipkart.com

Also, flipakrt is 151th most visited website globally and 12th most visited in India.

Hi. :slightly_smiling_face:

Community member myself. Just curious to know if you are still have problems using search on the flipkart site?

Can you provide your Brave version? There was a new release and the current version is 1.42.88. It is released for Android but I do not know if it is available in the app store yet. Just wondering if the new release might have fixed your problem.

Take care. :slightly_smiling_face:

Checking on my Android Tablet, search for “Camera” I’m able to search without issue. What error message are seeing? @4vakaa

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