I am about to go back to google chrome I do not prefer. You have change the platform and now flash player not working with some facebook games.
Hi @Suzlle
When you go to a site that requires flash, look in the URL bar for a puzzle piece that looks like this:
Click on it and click ‘Run Flash this time’
Refresh your page and then you should see ‘Click ton enable Adobe Flash Player’ on the area where Flash is needed:
You’ll get a notification that looks like this one below, just click Allow and you’re back in business:
Hi. Lauren. Sometimes I wonder if google is messing with my Brave Browser. Couple fb games taking to long to load. When I go to google browser works faster. I heard the flash player may end in 2020. Hope’s it replaced with something better. I use a laptop only when I am the web. I may try to delete google browser and see if Brave will work better.
@Suzlle, did you try the solution @LaurenWags suggested in her previous reply?
Yes, I know how to run the flashplayer but it doesn’t work with couple games that take too long to long. I have to use google to play them. Hopefully may work itself out again.
Browser Support
December 14
@Suzlle, did you try the solution @LaurenWags suggested in her previous reply?
Can you tell me which games you’re trying to play so I can test them on my end?
Bingo Blitz is the only one not loading now. The bar won’t load . theres a icon showing loading I never saw on this one before upper right on the game. Just keeps trying to load.
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