Flagged Account01

My account was flagged, dont know why…i noticed i wasnt receiving any rewards, then check my account and said couldnt verify because is flagged, also i already had it verified in the past.

Was going over older posts and noticed you didn’t receive a response. If your account is still flagged, you should use the form linked below to submit a request for Brave support to investigate.

Hope this helps and a belated welcome to the community. Take care.

U did abput 3x to see if i got an update on it but still no response

I’m sorry. I just don’t understand what you posted. I think you are saying you submitted but haven’t received a response.


  1. If you submitted form and received an email with a ticket#, just respond to the email and ask for a status update.

  2. If you did not receive an email, you should probably resubmit the form . Make sure you provide all the information requested or the request may be closed without notice. If you need help filling out the form, just ask.

Please let me know if I misunderstood your post and did not cover your situation.

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