Fixed div scrolls on mobile brave only

I have a website I am making and on mobile the fixed footer scrolls to half way up the page and then locks on brave’s mobile browser. I have tested this on safari, chrome and brave and only brave is showing this behavior.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Visit
  2. scroll down

Expected result:
On brave it appears like this on scroll

On safari it looks like this (as intended)

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.43 (

Mobile Device details
Iphone 12 Pro Max IOS 15.6.1

Additional Information:
Any advice on how to fix this or things to try for brave to render it as intended would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Try with shields down maybe

Tried that, but it didn’t do anything.

could you try going to brave://flags and then enabling vulkan

Can you do that on mobile? It came up on desktop, but won’t on my phone.

Yes, I have an android though so… not sure if it works on iOS

Also if you could check for an update for Brave ?
Yours seems to be behind…

I believe 1.43 is the current version on ios. Looks like andoid is different at 1.44

Ahh… Sorry. I actually didn’t check what updates have been rolled up for iOS.

@michal please help!

I see the same behavior on facebook, the area you go to write a comment (normally fixed to the bottom scrolls to the middle like on my site.

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