Fix for Large Roll-Over Balances is Live in v1.40.105

After many months, I saw No failed confirmations in Android Beta yesterday. Meaning all Ads were processed and all except 5 got reconciled/cashed-out this month too and remaining 5 will be reconciled next month. :slightly_smiling_face:

But, of these, about 300 Ads have been reconciled at 0 BAT and I don’t know whether they will pay-out. Similar would the case for desktop browser that I updated early.

In Android release version, in which this update came later, I see all the Ads that are getting processed are now being assigned correct value of BAT. Except about 50 that are stuck and are not processing at all (most likely these will be rolled-over as we are near end of the month). And all of these processed ones will be reconciled this month.

All of this is for my browsers, there would be variations for different users especially region-wise but broad picture would be similar.

In a nutshell, this update has been very thorough and solves the problem of rolled-over ads appreciably although doesn’t eliminate it (balances would still get rolled-over, more than normal, for some users). If the Ads, that got 0 BAT assigned, pay-out, I will rate this update at 8.5/10. Otherwise it’s still 7.5/10. :slightly_smiling_face: