Five years and no progress: warn before closing multiple tabs

Can’t believe it’s been since 2016 and this simple, basic feature that’s implemented in many other competing browsers STILL hasn’t been added, nor even addressed with a yes or no.

Sometimes users misclick and accidentally hit the X button, closing a window containing multiple tabs. It seems incredibly simple to add the OPTION to popup a confirmation window saying “Are you sure you want to close X number of tabs”

Not much more to add…this is a simple, unobtrusive feature that can’t possibly be that challenging to add. So I’ll keep posting this and it’ll get closed every 60 days and I’ll repost it again until the capable folks at Brave, who are surely much more capable than this inaction suggests, do something about it.

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are you a time traveler?

Just select from Brave preferences that you prefer to open the browser with the last used tabs open.

@Wonderwhy has the right idea.
Additionally, if you go to Menu --> History, groups of tabs should appear here and, when clicked on, will re-open those tabs.

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I agree with warnb4 - why require a workaround when a simple tweak will save a lot of aggravation. It’s a big disadvantage I notice when comparing Brave with other browsers and every time I inadvertantly close all tabs I say to myself, maybe I should’ve used Firefox.

They actually have it already. In Mac, you go to Brave and check off “Warn before quitting”

There must be a PC equivalent. It’s there since 2018. See

What the heck is this, Brave? Why again do we have another missing feature just because Chrome doesn’t have it?

EVEN IE HAS THIS. It’s a simple bloody option and will harm no-one if defaulted to off. Implement this!

I think the problem is when having 2 Windows with lots of tabs.

If by accident i close one of them, then the feature that wonderwhy mention doesn’t work, at least it will not rescue the tabs on that window.

And your option is good, but for example i didn’t know about it, and well as me there are lot’s more, so this feature doesn’t sound bad.

Thank you for everyone reporting/requesting this. I went ahead and opened a Github issue for this request to get some Developer eyes on it:

If you’d like to get more attention on it, comment and +1 the Github issue above.

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I read your post, give us support for this feature. Please upvote or comment in the github feature request.

I agree even Edge has it. It is a chrome based browser. This shouldn’t be hard. How about devs listen to what the users want please? This is especially useful for those that are blind. Thank you.

Only 3 votes out of 50m users. It is not very representative.

I agree that it is a nice feature to have. But, to push it forward, more people has to vote on it.

@Chocoholic ,

An example - re polls and “who is paying attention to them?”

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How about you just add it because most other browsers have it? Have you thought about how many users you loose out on because you don’t have certain features?

Dennis Long

Surely this is a no-brainer though? Probably why people wouldn’t bother voting. This is hardly a revolutionary “new” feature, IE did this years ago…

As others have mentioned, Edge managers this and it’s chromium based. Many a time I accidentally close brave and have to re-open it and access closed tabs from history. A simple prompt before closing is all that’s needed.

Brave Nightly 1.45.5 has this:

“Warn me before closing window with multiple tabs”

According to the GitHub entry here, the feature has been implemented into release version 1.40.xx. So, this topic should be closed as resolved.

Go to System settings and check this option ‘Warn me before closing window with multiple tabs’

Yeah no idea why this is still open — this feature was added years ago. Closing this thread.