Filtering Search Results

I have trouble using Brave Search, as it fills my search with the same spam as Google searches. There are too many useless sites that are created to fulfill some search metrics and end up on top of the search results.
So when I read Brave’s commitment to not censor sites, I take this as a huge negative:
“No, Brave Search does not filter, downrank, or censor search results.”

Small, helpful sites have been killed off, and with the attitude that we should let them “compete fairly”, which means competing to best manipulate search metrics, they will never come back. Not everyone puts a website out there with the only intent to perform well on a search and get ad revenue. Having genuine intent to share information is very much not appreciated.
Now, more and more sites written entirely by AI pop up. And the obnoxious AI “help” of Brave doesn’t make the internet any better.
I would very much like an experimental version of a heavily censored search and an option to exclude sites from my searches forever.

I wish to block junk like quora, wikihow, tiktok, and AI generated sites.
Would instantly déclassé all the other search engines.