Extension popup is tiny on my Brave instances. How to diagnose?

Description of the issue:

  • On only ONE windows computer, my LastPass extension no longer pops up the normal LP login dialog box. Instead, I get a plain 1/4x1/4 inch box.
  • Opening dev tools on the extension/popup gives nothing interesting: no console errors, network gets status 200 on all downloads
  • I cleared all Brave settings, (restarted browser), reinstalled extension, same result.
  • Since this only happens on this one computer, I myself can’t reproduce elsewhere :frowning:
    SO, my primary question for now is: how can I diagnose this further???

UPDATE before posting: woah… now the issue has propagated to this computer. I presume it has something to do with a setting that syncs between Brave browser copies…

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Install LP extension on one of my computers. (Surface pro 7, Win10, no other issues.)

Expected result:
Normal login popup

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Additional Information:
NOT an issue in current Chrome, etc.

This is a known issue that the team has already addressed:

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