Description of the issue:
- On only ONE windows computer, my LastPass extension no longer pops up the normal LP login dialog box. Instead, I get a plain 1/4x1/4 inch box.
- Opening dev tools on the extension/popup gives nothing interesting: no console errors, network gets status 200 on all downloads
- I cleared all Brave settings, (restarted browser), reinstalled extension, same result.
- Since this only happens on this one computer, I myself can’t reproduce elsewhere
SO, my primary question for now is: how can I diagnose this further???
UPDATE before posting: woah… now the issue has propagated to this computer. I presume it has something to do with a setting that syncs between Brave browser copies…
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Install LP extension on one of my computers. (Surface pro 7, Win10, no other issues.)
Expected result:
Normal login popup
Brave Version( check About Brave
Additional Information:
NOT an issue in current Chrome, etc.