Expand Password Table view - Cannot read site or name - Prefer site to be visible

Please expand the Saved Password table. You cannot see the site URL or the user, have to hove over multiple to see desired entry. Prefer site is visible more than username.

Welcome to the Community, @uormenotuoru and thanks for reaching out.

Can you provide more info about your issue? Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


The form is very narrow in reference to the workspace available. The URL and username get cut off due to the width of the fields making it difficult to locate the entry you are looking for. Example attached. You may see only the domain poor part of the domain for the Site URL and the first portion of the username, which again may be a domain name if NTLM. without the actual account name showing. Thanks for reaching out, Jeff.


It looks like this is only roughly a single characters width difference between Brave and Chrome. I will forward this thread to our design team regardless.