Every web page returns ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. All are OK in Chrome

Hi and welcome to the community.

Really can’t help. Just posting links to information which may help you troubleshoot. The links are specific to windows systems. It would be helpful if you could post your OS version. You can find this information at brave://version.

Please post an update and provide additional details including the things you have tried. Additional information will provide useful information for either a community member or Brave support to help troubleshoot your problem.

How to Allow or Block a Program Through Firewall Windows 10

Fix ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error on Chrome browser

Fix Err_Connection_Closed error on Windows 11/10 Includes Err_Connection_Reset errors

answers.microsoft.com: ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

Brave Community topics with references to ERR_CONNECTION_RESET:
Can't access safe sites; keep getting blocked

Brave Browser cannot connect to internet, where as other browsers work!

Other details which may be useful for troubleshooting:

  1. Are you using a vpn? Have you tried disabling and/or resetting?
  2. Are you using any extensions? Have you tried accessing web pages with extensions disabled or in a new private window?
  3. Are you using any anti-virus software?
  4. Have you tried clearing history/cache for all time (Advanced tab) at brave://settings/clearBrowserData?