Evernote WebClipper plug-in wanted!

Where can I find the plug-in “Evernote web clipper”? If I search the plug-in in the Brave store, only the Android version is being found. Where can I get it?
The plug-in is available for Google Chrome. Can I also use Google chrome plug-ins for Brave. or are these plug-ins completely different?
How can this issue be reproduced?

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):
v. 1.15.72 (actual build)

Additional Information:

you can install any extension from chrome on brave
go to brave://extensions/ then click on webstore search for it then add it and have a nice day

Thank you for your reply.
The problem is, that the Evernote extension for Windows is being found in the Google Chrome store, but not in the Brave web store. In the Brave web store there is only available the Android version of web clipper.

brave has no store the webstore is actually chrome web store

go to

then click on add to brave

Thank you very much. This worked perfectly!

glad it worked and you very welcome :slight_smile: