Estou com problema realoquei minha conta

não sei se e só para mim porem a brave não aparece mais anuncio algum ja tentei mudar as configurações mas nada de bat faz dois meses que nao consigo receber nada na bat. sei que teve o problema com brasil a respeito de nao vincula contas mas isso ja foi resolvido porem nao aparece nada notificações no windows como aparecia e nada do tipo achei estranho entao relatei em um pequeno grupo de colegas e sim ninguem está recebendo anuncio gostaria de saber uma posição da brave sobre isso.

I don’t know if it’s just for me, but Bravo doesn’t show any ads anymore. I’ve tried changing the settings but nothing from the bat. It’s been two months since I can’t receive anything in the bat. I know there was a problem with Brazil about not linking accounts but this has already been resolved but nothing appears on windows as it appeared and nothing like that I found it strange so I related it to a small group of colleagues and yes no one is receiving an announcement I would like to know a brave position about it.

Probably you have your profile flagged. COuld you tell if you’re still connected to Uphold/Gemini ?

I put it on uphold but I no longer receive ads
is connected to uphold

Could you recheck if it’s still connected?

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