Error: Region not supported Unfortunately, your Brave Rewards cannot be verified because your region is not supported for Brave Rewards verification at this time. What Can be done?

I’m from the Philippines I also get the error " error region no supported brave " but im verified Gemini wallet.

@flashback check out PSA: Unsupported Region as I have details on everything going on over there. Just a FYI, Philippines and Vietnam are said to be very difficult situations and likely the longest to be able to connect. Most other countries are hoping within the next couple months, give or take. So I’d say unless you get lucky (which is possible), expect it to be more than 3 months before Philippines can connect to Gemini or Uphold again.

From what im reading here, basically there is no point on using Brave Browser if you are not in that tiny scope of countries.

Very shady that just by traveling you will get locked. If you haven’t you will still be able to continue logging in with Uphold or Gemini. Shady.

Same happened to me, i’ve been using Brave from Uruguay (South America) for almost 2 years and i just had a trip to the US. Now that im back in Uruguay im unable to connect. WONDERFUL.

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No, not true at all. Just means if you’re not in that tiny scope of countries then you’ll need to be patient until your region is added again. Until then you still earn BAT and all, you just aren’t able to transfer to an exchange where you can convert it to cash.

Who said that? I mean, if you use VPN to spoof your location all the time, it can get you flagged. So when doing that, you should turn off Brave Ads. This is because advertisers pay to target people living in certain regions. When you use VPN or Proxy, it doesn’t properly deliver ads. Many have announced trying to do this to get more ads, such as if they hit a limit in their own country or live in an unsupported region.

If you’re talking about Gemini or Uphold, then just traveling has nothing to do with that. They go by your KYC/AML documentation, such as your passport you provide. If you provide India passport and then move to live the United States, they are going to treat you like you’re in India until you update your documentation to show you’re now in the United States.

That’s because Uruguay is one of the MANY regions that is temporarily not supported. It had nothing to do with you traveling. In the comment above yours, you’ll see where I linked to a topic that explains everything. You may want to click and then read everything…which also means clicking on the dates to see hidden text from older announcements.

Who said im using a VPN? I’ve never used a VPN.

I tried to point out that i had the same experience than Jerebol, which i had no problem before and only now that i recently went to the US for a couple of days and came back to see that i can’t connect to my Uphold account with Brave.

Let’s see how this unfold. I like Brave but if this is the way it goes it’s sad.

That was an example. It wasn’t saying you used a VPN.

Yeah, just was timing. The two weren’t related to each other, though I can see where it can appear that way when unaware of the changes being made. Hopefully I was able to answer you a little better and link you to some sources to see more of what’s happening.

Magesh 26082022 - Yesterday, I am able to connect with my uphold account from INDIA but today its asked for again re-authentication or reconnect to uphold account from brave browser but now i am getting the below message

Unfortunately, your Brave Rewards cannot be verified because your region is not supported for Brave Rewards verification at this time.

Please guide me with answer when this blocker will be lift for me

Please be advsied that at this time India is not on the list of Supported Regions to connected a custodial account (Uphold/Gemini) to Brave Rewards.

Our team is evaluating each region including India for reestablishing connection. At this time there is no estimated timeline or deadline when they will return to the list.
We do ask for your patience in the meantime and continue to use Brave Rewards, claim your BAT and if you would like, tip your favorite Creators.

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