First, I am on a PC. Why is this template limited to a 1.5 inch by 6 inch window?
Second, I am super frustrated. I have searched to find out how to enable pop ups. Unfortunately the results that are returned are from the beginning of time and may not apply anymore. I go to settings, click the search box, type in popup, it sends me to “System/Shortcuts”. After I click on System Shortcuts the page is very very very long to the bottom. So I click cltr+f to search the current page. Guess what? I can’t search the page. It takes me back to the Brave settings search, which then takes me back to the “System/Shortcuts” which then takes me back to this super long page.
ctrl+f should always be the standard windows feature of find on current page. Hijacking this feature is frustrating. If I want to search all of settings then I click in the search box for settings.
Popups are a very common thing. Why is it so hard to find out how to turn it on and off?
Sites now allow for Google and Apple single sign on. The single sign on requires pop ups.
I had to use MS Edge. It seems MS Edge might be a viable browser going forward. It works on the sites that I can’t get Brave to work on.
Normally I would reread this and make it a bit more fluid and nice but scrolling up and down in this tiny window on my 32" screen is just sad.
Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?
Expected result:
Brave Version( check About Brave
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