Earning literally no BATs

I have set up the Brave rewards and getting Ads regulary but i am literally getting 0 BATs(see screenshot):

in this screenshot you can see, that i have already gotten 51 ads but 0.000 BATs

I am using windows 11 with the latest brave version (1.74.48)

I am using Uphold as my custodian

I am in a supported region(Switzerland) (see here for list of supported regions)

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Hello, you will find that the BAT payouts for each month generally get deposited starting the 7th of the next month.

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Thank you for the fast answer

okay but shouldn’t the amount of the BATs I am being paid be displayed in this menu so i know how much I am getting?

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They used to display an estimated amount but now they dont let you see anything. I believe because they dont want to pay out rewards anymore this way you have no proof of what you should actually be getting. In the beginning it was much better but over the years payouts have been less and less leading up to currently where payouts and ad rewards are close to 0.


I’ve been using brave about a month and a half now… I’ve been reading forums about it also. Seems a lot of people are unhappy with brave rewards

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I’m assuming you just started using Brave and are excited about the rewards. Hate to burst your bubble buy you’re gonna earn like 4 cents. Once a month. You won’t even get one BAT. It’s basically nothing. You could probably earn more if you spent less time looking at the ads and more time looking for loose change that people dropped on the ground.

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same problem here, I haven’t received anything for months.

I have the same problem. I’ve been collecting for three months, but my BAT account shows 0.0 BAT. What’s going on, it worked fine back then, why not now?

In your situation, create a Rewards Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431. If payments haven’t been reaching you each month, then one can assume your account is flagged (suspended). Regardless, pay related issues require the support ticket.

Turn off the ads, they are a waste of time.

Uninstall brave than they realise they are mistake