Earning BAT does not work

Not working despite watching ads

Hello @TarqSultan1

if that your first month then that expected your bat will be paid for you on 6th of each month

your bat will be in bending state

go to brave://rewards/

and you will see something like this

Screenshot from 2021-02-25 17-05-00

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Yes you are right
This means that there is no malfunction
Well how do I make my ads appear automatically without activating them on every page

sorry but i do not understand what you mean

toi khong nhan duoc dong BAT nao ca nam nay roi

you don’t need activate nothing, the ads appear automatically and show in this menu of rewards.

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How to make ads work automatically

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I activate it manually every time from here, that’s bad

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as you mention in the screen above up you have activated auto ads so maybe is a issue of Windows won’t show up, check notifications if you have windows 10.

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I am using Linux Mint
What’s the solution

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in that case no idea en Linux, check if have something in configurations of system about notifications, too remember 5 ads per hour and sometimes won’t show 1, this depend adversting, browsing,etc

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I want to not automatically intercept ads

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this is the shield not the ads reward the reward are the one with the triangle

go to brave://rewards/ to check if it enabled or not

and once you enabled it it work automtically and i am on linux also

and what make you think it does not work automatically


Well notifications appear, but one a day?

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check the link that JohnDproof mentioned

also check the number of ads in your country here https://brave.com/transparency/

also check this to know which type of ads for your country https://sampson.codes/brave/ads/my_region/

also some ads will not show up till you visit site from certain category

let say there ads that require that you visit some sites from cloths then if you did not visit any kind of that sites then that ads will never show up

also when you dimiss twice in row then this ads will not show up again for 48 hours

and there many other rule for ads

hope that give you some light about what’s is going on

and have a nice day :slight_smile:


What does this option mean

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That’s the brave shield, there you can disallow a site to execute scripts, save cookies and other stuff

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