Hello everyone. I dont understand why my earned brave rewards just keep dissapearing. yesterday i had about 1.4 BAT and now its only 0.4 BAT. A similar scenario played out last month too. Auto contribute is off and i have verified my uphold wallet. i checked the wallet but it was not there. Please help!! i dont want this to continue happening.
Hi @millomaniac - can you try disconnecting and re-connecting your Uphold wallet?
Thanks for reaching out stephen. I don’t think the problem is from my uphold wallet. All the same i’ll give it a go. The issue is that my earned BAT rewards that displays normally on a new BAT window as 1.2 just started showing 0.4.
Strangely enough, i received the missing BAT from a source described as community member not too long ago. It was sent directly to my uphold wallet. Thanks again stephen.
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