Duplicate Current Tab in New Tab

Description: As a user, I would like to have the option to open a new tab that duplicates the current tab, including the URL, browsing history and any form data. This feature would be extremely useful when filling out forms on a website and needing to access additional information from elsewhere on the same website.

Current behavior: When opening a new tab, it opens with the default new tab page or a blank page.

Expected behavior: When opening a new tab, it should have the option to duplicate the current tab, including the URL and any form data.

Use case: Filling out forms on a website and needing to access additional information from elsewhere on the same website, without losing the current form data.

This feature is one of the default options in Macos’s Safari browser and as I would like to use Brave more often than Safari, this is one extremely useful feature that is missing in Brave taking me back to Safari.


Also, you can assign a keybind for it at settings → system → shortcuts

Umm, don’t think it has that.

Just open a new tab or window. Your current one then stays active.

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Thanks for that. I actually asked Leo if that feature existed and it said no but instead wrote that feature request for me to submit.

Many thanks…

Yeah, the language models used by Leo aren’t the best. But even good models like on ChatGPT often are lagging behind in correct information and assistance. Always have to take what they say with a grain of salt.