Download Search Doesn't Work

Description of the issue: Download Search Doesn’t Work
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Goto downloads click the search icon try to find soething you see in the downloads list.

Expected result: It would fund what you’re searching for

Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.69.162

Additional Information: I find the location of the search above passwords and above downloads offputting. It seems like that search is a higher level search or a search for settings.

Regardless I was trying to track down a downloaded file I had in my download folder trying to figure out what I had downloaded and why but not being able to search brought that to an abrupt end.

What are you talking about?

Go to Downloads and you’ll see the search thing on the upper right. Click it… image and it turns into:

So when I went to my Downloads, I see the below:

If I go to search something:

As you can see, so long as haven’t removed the listing from my Download history, it shows. This searches and shows even if I’ve delete the download file.

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