Does Brave Search give BAT for viewing ads? Is this functionality planned?

I see that Brave Search will have a premium option for 3$/month to see ad-free searches. This feels quite strange to me, as the whole philosophy behind Brave was to give back to the users the revenues coming from people’s data.

I would have expected Brave Search to pay back users some BATs when the ads were enabled. Is that not the case? Why? Will that be implemented? Where does this change of direction come from?


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They will eventually implement it. I have heard about it. They are planning it.

The current ads will not pay BAT to the users. The ads will be based on keyboards (I have only heard about it, no verified it myself) just like google, bing, ddg do it.

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From someone who doesn’t know how privacy & other search engines generate revenue outside of ads… What does this mean?

Keywords*, mistyped it…

Meaning, if you search for ‘Good browser on windows’, a browser will pay google to put their site in the top results by ad. I have read that they are generally for privacy preserving, like in ddg case, as they do not profile users.

A timepass read

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