Does Brave protect against cell tower simulators (man in the middle attacks)? I’ve been traveling and I use Brave for work and I lost signal for two days. It couldn’t connect to the VPN but sometimes it would load other content. I hope it’s nothing but I ended up reading about cell signals and had other related issues mentioned below that seem like major vulnerabilities.
Then I’ve read that telecoms add an identifier or advertising cookie with each request. They were told not to but they still do it? These seem like man in the middle attacks.
Recently, during setup the install asked me to put my phone up to the computer when I purchased a new computer (Windows). This also happened with a Mac device at setup.
I doubt that computers and tablets have cell phone reading technology but if this is going on then it seems like it’s defeating the purpose of Brave security features.
This might be off topic but it’s somewhat related. It seems to be undermining what Brave is hoping to accomplish. I’m posting here because I don’t know where else to bring this up.