Discussion with Proxy / VPN providers that offer SPDY-HTTPS/2 Solutions

I created this particular topic from an off-shoot of VPN / Proxy Extensions better integrated in Brave primarily for Proxy/VPN providers and inquisitive users.

The other topic seems to be the most requested solution in Brave and the comments grew and grew to the extent if notable comments were made by a provider it may not have be apprehended, not from the team per say but the providers so I thought this will be would be suitable for the providers and wanted to create an off-shoot to directly as the title suggests, correspond with Proxy / VPN providers that offer SPDY-HTTPS/2 (which is essentially the technology behind the extensions) as a service so they can help deploy their solutions effectively and make enhancements.

I’m sure many from the community would appreciate if the few questions and statements I’ve listed below were answered; I gave a few examples, however I would prefer your ideas as well.

Thanks in advance.

  • Things that will not be probable.
    To give you one example, though others would be preferred, I remember when the first web based torrent client came out, this was several years ago (not WebTorrent), it was rather good but where it lacked was being optimized around SPDY-VPNs.
    One of the providers told me (paraphrasing) that the torrent side of it bypasses the cryptographic side of things if that makes sense. I didn’t completely understand it but I knew they’d tested it and it didn’t secure the data. So it would be good to know if the current WebTorrent app in Brave can function effectively in juxtaposition with HTTPS/2-VPN.

  • Data that will not be secured in transit.
    Sometimes clicking on a link an external window would appear on top either a popup or something else related to the site a users is on, will that be instantly secured.
    Another would be the initial browser startup phase if the VPN is always toggled.

  • Will all of the behind the scene communications in about:preferences be secured too despite some of it is already anonymous? So browser updates, Payments, Extensions (updates as well as their communications, which also brings into question, could the VPN download its own updates and install it after restart)

  • Advantages compared to other browsers
    The primary reason I crated the original topic if anybody had time to look at it was for Brave to be the best browser to integrate these types of tech in.
    What would be the advantage of integration other than the fact Brave would be much more privacy orientated so arguably more trustworthy.

  • Would Google’s deprecation of SPDY affect your solutions?

  • Have you upgraded to the latest tech such as HTTPS/2, TLS 1.3, SSL 1.1.1 and or you deploy alternative methods?

  • How does Strict Site Isolation affect the solution in the browser and does it function differently compared to when it is disabled?
    Is it good, is it bad, does it depend on what a you do, does it jump to another ip.

  • I thought it was absolutely relevant to the particular topic at hand and it would be brilliant if the providers could respond to figuring out who is responsible for counteracting this and if anything coherently is being done about it - Browser Extensions Disclose Personal Data

Download Brave Beta | Brave Browser is the version the team welcome you to test. I should note that these technologies in the Brave beta are causing a couple of issues having been reported by a couple of users in the community so far, so please feel free to correspond with the team at Issues · brave/brave-browser · GitHub regarding these or any other concerns.

I might as well add that session tabs (which is quite excellent), could optionally use a VPN.

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Brave Privacy & Security Engineer -

It depend on VPN Support extension, refer to http://serveurvpn.fr/ in normal way it should be full supported then no need to install it if not.

I think an integrated proxy solution should be added, as with proxies you can pretty much use them on any device without having to install any third-party app, so if you want to use residential proxies, you can do so without the need to install a vpn app or extension, instead just copy the proxy details and paste them into the proxy section.